Real Estate Inspection Services
Home Inspection Energy Audit - Brentwood TN
in Clarksville - Nashville - Brentwood Tennessee
#1 Change your windows and doors:
Is it as "Green" as we think?
Click HereTo View

#4 Air Leakage Repairs:
This has the greatest effect on home energy losses. Air leaks occure at many places.
#5 The Largest Problem of All:
Your HVAC system operates under high positive and negative pressures. Leaks not only blow conditioned air outdoors...
... but it pulls air indoors. Even right through the walls! You can't cool our house with hot attic air!
HVAC - Air Duct Leakage also...
Leaking HVAC systems cause a serious imbalance of air pressure in your house. This negative pressure draws in air from the attic (left) and the crawlspace - basement (right) which is likely to contain contaminates like Mold and Radon Gas!

Home Inspection Standard!
However, you can see there are a lot of significant issues that are not covered in a Home Inspection or that are not 'required reporting' by your
Home Inspector!
Home Inspection - HVAC Evaluation - Building Performance
Infrared Thermal Imaging Packages
Are Also Available
and Repairs we perform outside of Home Inspection: